Friday, May 9, 2008

4 Ways To Increase Visitor Numbers

There are so many art exhibitions around that sometimes your own exhibition can get overlooked. When organizing your next exhibition use your opening function to create something interesting and innovative. By coming up with an imaginative hook or angle you will be assured of getting more visitors through the door.

The majority of sales happen during the opening function therefore take full advantage of this opportunity to maximise dollars. Entice as many guests as possible to your event to increase your chances of sales by both shear numbers and by creating an illusion of demand.

Increasing visitor numbers can be achieved simply by having a drawcard at your opening function, such as inviting a VIP guest, having an unusual and interesting hook, unveiling a special artwork, or holding a competition.

1. VIP Guests

Everyone wants to meet someone famous. So inviting a VIP guest to your opening function is a sure way to get people to attend also. By association your visitors will automatically view your event as something special and important too - just like your VIP. If you don't know anyone well-known ask your friends, family or work colleagues for contacts. Someone is bound to know a sports celebrity, actor, musician or politician.

During the event make your VIP feel important and special. Offer them refreshments, introduce them to other important guests, and mention them warmly during your speech. A few days after the opening function follow up with a letter of appreciation.

2. Interesting Hook or Angle

With a little imagination and creativity you can make your opening function really special by adding an interesting hook or angle. Perhaps you can adopt an unusual hanging method to display the artworks; incorporate an interactive art installation which guests can 'play' with; include a multi-media display using video or sound; or hire a live jazz band to create atmosphere and ambiance.

Art exhibitions can become very flat and static, so adding an extra dimension can be very beneficial. Not only will you increase visitor numbers, but you guests will see you as an interesting, innovative artist and perceive your artwork as a worthwhile investment.

3. Artwork Unveiling

Turn your opening function into an extra special event by unveiling an extra special project. This will create anticipation and excitement as your guests wait for the presentation to take place. You could unveil a major artwork which you have spent a lot of time on, something you have prepared for a special charity cause, a collaborative project that many artists have participated in, or a memorial piece to acknowledge a worthy event or person.

Create maximum impact and splendor by rigging up a curtain in front of your artwork. Attach lengths of ribbon to the curtain so it can dropped at the precise moment to reveal the master piece to your eager audience.

4. Competition

People love getting something for free so a competition is a sure-fire way of getting people to attend your opening function. Start the competition at the beginning of the evening and finish it at the end. This will encourage your guests to stay longer, which will in turn increase your chances of additional sales.

Be imaginative with the competition question. Consider your exhibition theme, use wit and humour, and incorporate logic and problem solving into your question to really get the conversation going. At the end of the evening get your VIP guest, to announce the winner and present the prize.

By using a little imagination and creativity at your art exhibition opening function you can increase visitor numbers, enhance sales, create interest, and generate enough excitement to ensure guests come back again for the next exhibition!